Religious congregations play a key role in our fight to end homelessness. From collecting food and clothing donations to hosting Friendship Place events, there are countless creative ways that congregations contribute towards our mission to improve the lives of the people we serve.
To learn more about how your congregation can get involved, please contact us at
Adas Israel Congregation Joel Fischman and Ozana Papados
Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation Minna Scherlinder Morse and Emily Novick
Augustana Lutheran Church Sandy Chacko
Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church Susan Price
Church of the Annunciation Myriam Velasquez
Church of the Pilgrims Mitch Fulton
Cleveland Park Congregational Church Bruce Grimes
Community of Christ Ben Young
First Baptist Church of DC Susan Lucas
Foundry United Methodist Church Joanne Garlow
French Protestant Church of Washington Marilyn Dickinson
Georgetown Lutheran Church Sophie Guiny
Georgetown Presbyterian Church Victoria Tigwell
Holy Trinity Catholic Church Jean Johnson
Mount Vernon Place United Methodist Church Bill Hillegeist
National Presbyterian Church Anne DeLeon
National United Methodist Church Ann Michel
Saint Alban’s Episcopal Church Rich Jensen
Saint Ann’s Roman Catholic Church Deborah Grieser
Saint Columba’s Episcopal Church Henry Davis
Saint David’s Episcopal Church Dianne Parsons
Saint Louis de France Alex Saad
Saint Patrick Catholic Church Teresa Fitzgerald
Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church Amber Telleen
Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral Mary Kirschbaum and Matina Sawicki
Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament Bill Black
Temple Micah Dale Kaufman and Stephen Klatsky
Temple Sinai Susan Kidd
Tifereth Israel Julie Steinberg
Washington Hebrew Congregation Steve Lamm
Washington National Cathedral Christopher Cannedy