Landlords play a critical role in Friendship Place’s mission to end homelessness. Our work to reconnect individuals and families to the community and help them rebuild their lives can only be done with the partnership of great landlords.
We have partnered with hundreds of landlords over the years, and would love to partner with you too!
Landlords love working with us because:
- Our agency works with over 3,600 applicants each year, many of whom are actively seeking housing! We will happily re-fill your vacancies – you won’t even have to advertise!
- Our programs are designed to get people back on their feet. As part of this process, we assist with first month’s rent, deposit, and, for some programs, ongoing rental subsidies as needed.
- Our case managers provide support for participants by connecting them to resources within their communities that promote ongoing housing stability.
- We are a neutral party if problems arise. We strive to assist our participants, but also to support you and your business. Successful and happy landlords are a fundamental to our programs achieving their goals!
- Everyone deserves a safe and affordable place to live. By helping house our clients, you are playing an integral role not only in helping individuals and families take charge of their lives, but also in making your community a better place to live!

For more information on how you can partner with Friendship Place, please fill out this short form and we will be in touch.