The Brooks Short-Term Housing Facility

The Brooks is the Short-Term Family Housing facility in Ward 3 serving families experiencing homelessness. Families moving into the facility will reside in a care-conducive environment where they can heal and start the process of rebuilding. The Brooks opened its doors on April 27, 2020.
In 2022, the Brooks served 335 people including 192 children.
Interested in applying for the Brooks? Scroll down to see how.
The Brooks allows Friendship Place staff to deliver meaningful care. The six-story building has 50 apartment-like units, a computer lab, play areas, and a lounge for homework. Families have access to 24-hour staffing and receive personalized, one-on-one case management that allows them to quickly transition out of the facility into stable housing.
How to Support the Brooks
Families will arrive at The Brooks in need of many day-to-day necessities. To help families feel both welcomed and supported, we plan to give every family a ‘Welcome Basket’ that helps them navigate the neighborhood and includes essential items (toiletries, etc.) that Friendship Place has determined are most urgently needed.
In-kind donations of new toys for children of all ages are welcomed. Please click here for an up-to-date Child’s Play wish list. At this time, we cannot accept used clothing and toys.
Click here to help brighten the lives of those we serve at The Brooks and across all of our programs.
Who We Serve
Ward 3 Short-Term Family Housing Facility focuses on providing quality service and housing to 50 previously homeless families, while increasing residents quality of life through supportive services and linkage to resources.
For more information about the Ward 3 Short-Term Family Housing Facility, please email us at
Need Help?
The Brooks will receive all referrals for placement directly from the Department of Human Services. If you are currently experiencing homelessness and would like to be assessed for eligibility for Short-Term Family Housing service, please complete an assessment at the Virginia Williams Family Resource Center located at 920-A Rhode Island Ave NE, Washington, DC 20018.
Questions? Email
USDA Nondiscrimination Statement
The Brooks is a proud member of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) through the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE). Click here to read the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Nondisciminitory Statement.