Our young adult-focused programs, Youth Connect and Before Thirty, target young adults who lack stable housing and connect them with the support they need to rebuild their lives. Both programs are designed to provide comprehensive care and individualized case management to help participants access our housing and employment services. Staff in these programs provide young people with opportunities to achieve stability and empower them to change the trajectory of their futures.
Youth Connect
Our Youth Connect Case Managers provide street outreach engagement services to 17-to-24-year-olds who are runaways, homeless, or at-risk. The program functions as a mobile drop-in center. Our specialists canvas areas in across the District of Columbia looking for young adults aged 17-24 in need of help. Specialists conduct on-the-spot housing assessments, and help youth get the vital documents (Social Security cards, ID cards, and other items) needed to access a host of services ranging from Food Stamps and Medicaid to substance abuse treatment programs to housing. They can also accompany the young person to various aid agencies to help them navigate the region’s public services system. If help is declined, Friendship Place Youth Specialists can help ensure an individual’s comfort and safety by offering a survival kit with bottled water, blankets, harm reduction supplies, hygiene products, SmarTrip cards, and information about hypothermia or hyperthermia shelters during periods of extreme temperatures.
In Fiscal Year 2021, Youth Connect conducted street outreach to 163 runaway, homeless, and at-risk 17-to-24-year-olds.

Before Thirty
Before Thirty is a person-centered program that provides supportive services to youth and young adults aged 17-29 (including single mothers) experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Friendship Place staff regularly meet with youths in the program to design customized plans that help them to achieve their goals. Participants are provided access to employment support services through our AimHire program, given mentoring opportunities, and are encouraged to attend our life skill workshops, creative expression workshops, social events, community events, and more. Housing assessment and housing support services are also offered in working to assist in stabilizing households.
In Fiscal Year 2021, Before Thirty served 73 young adults.
Who & Where We Serve
Youth Connect serves young adults aged 17-24 across the District of Columbia who are experiencing homelessness, runaway, or unstably housed.
Before Thirty serves young adults aged 17-29 at risk of or experiencing homelessness in the DC Metro area.
Need Help?
Call us at 202.364.1419 or email us at info@friendshipplace.org. You can also visit us at our Welcome Center (4713 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016).