Our work in the community has been noticed by others. Here are some of the awards we have received over the years.

- Outstanding Member for enduring commitment to ending veteran, and all, homelessness in the DC Metro area, National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
- 2021-2023 Recipient of the Washington Post Helping Hand Beneficiary
- Catherine Mitchell, Chief Program Officer, designated "Human Service Hero," DC Department of Human Services in acknowledgement of opening The Brooks
- Honored Nonprofit, Catalogue for Philanthropy Greater Washington (honored each year since 2005)
- Patriotic Employer Award, Department of Defense, Friendship Place President & CEO, Jean-Michel Giraud
- Seven Seals Award - Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, Department of Defense
- Mayoral Certificate of Appreciation for Services on Interagency Council for the Homeless (ICH) awarded to Friendship Place’s President & CEO, Jean-Michel Giraud
- Honored Nonprofit, Catalogue for Philanthropy Greater Washington (honored each year since 2005)
- Leadership Award for Friendship Place’s AimHire Director, National Association of Workforce Development Professionals
- Accreditation, Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) awarded to Friendship Place’s Veterans programs
- TCP 25th Anniversary Award “for extraordinary service to homeless single adults,” The Community Partnership for the Prevention of Homelessness
- Certificate of Appreciation, Embassy of Mexico
- Honored Nonprofit, Catalogue for Philanthropy Greater Washington
- Best Practices in Nonprofit Storytelling, Georgetown University Center for Social Impact Communications
- Mentor Recognition Award, US Department of Veterans Affairs, National Center on Homelessness among Veterans
- Certificate of Appreciation, Rapid Results Accelerated Boot Camp
- Tyler Rusch Help the Homeless Award, The Metropolitan Church
- Certificate of Appreciation, DC Department of Employment Services
- Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Contribution to Veterans and the Healthcare for Homeless Programs, US Department of Veterans Affairs
- Social Justice Award, Temple Sinai
- Valued Partner Award for Employment Services Certificate of Appreciation, District of Columbia Department of Employment Services, Office of DC Mayor Vincent C. Gray
- Exponent Award for visionary nonprofit leadership, Meyer Foundation
- Spirited Service Award, Smart CEO
What Our Neighbors Say About Us...
“Friendship Place’s impact in D.C. during the past 26 years is evident in the statistics, but it’s even more obvious when you hear the stories of the lives they help change.”
- Jay Carney, Amazon Senior Vice President of Global Corporate Affairs -
"Friendship Place is a key partner in our collective efforts to end homelessness in the District. They are not only a reliable service provider, but also fierce and knowledgeable advocates--both publicly and behind the scenes--for the successful implementation of the ambitious plans laid out in Homeward (DC's Strategic Plan to End Homelessness)."
- Kristy Greenwalt, Executive Director, DC Interagency Council on Homelessness -
“Friendship Place has become a leader in efforts to transform the homelessness systems in DC, helping to move our community away from Band-Aid approaches and toward real solutions that focus on ending homelessness.”
- Nan Roman, President and CEO, National Alliance to End Homelessness -
“Friendship Place has become a trusted and indispensable partner in the District’s efforts to end homelessness — a model service provider, with outstanding leadership, impeccable financial accountability, skilled and compassionate staff, and the ability to build successful partnerships with other service providers.”
- Dallas Williams, Homeless Services Program Manager, DC Department of Human Services -
“Friendship Place is our go-to referral for DC residents who are being released from Arlington County Detention Facility. The staff has gone above and beyond in working with clients we have referred to them. I always get a glowing report from our clients about Friendship Place and their employment and housing program, Aim Hire. I don’t know what we would do without this resource.”
- Katy Steinbruck, Director of Reentry, OAR, Arlington, VA