495 Backpacks Delivered – Thank You!
As the early summer months began, our team at Friendship Place kicked off our annual Back to School Backpack and School Supply Drive. For several years, our congregations committee has led the effort to collect backpacks, and this year was no different.
Together with local residents who responded to our Listserve posts, they helped gather an incredible 495 backpacks to benefit the hundreds of school children in our programs!

Young participants from The Brooks, our short-term housing facility for families, and Neighbors First Families (NFF), our Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) program for families, are among those who received these wonderful gifts.
Each backpack is filled with school essentials such as notebooks, writing supplies, and more. As the new school year is already underway, or will soon begin for many students, these backpacks provide a crucial resource, easing the financial burden on families who are working hard to rebuild their lives after experiencing homelessness.
A parent from our NFF program emailed her case manager, saying, “The boys went to school for the first time today and it was amazing—thank you so much for the back to school help!”

Over the last two weeks, our program staff have distributed these backpacks, making sure every child is ready for the school year ahead. On Thursday, during an event with their neighbors, the 2nd District Police Department, children at The Brooks received their backpacks.
Chris Cannedy, Friendship Place’s Community Engagement Manager, has been instrumental in coordinating the backpack drive, working closely with congregation representatives to ensure the success of this endeavor. Following the completion of the drive, he expressed his gratitude to congregation committee representatives, saying, “Please know how you have contributed to our students having the tools they need for their education. Your dedication and support have made a significant difference.”
We extend our deepest thanks to all our congregation partners for their constant support and hard work in assisting our families. Your efforts are helping families live with less burden and more hope for the future.