
The Neighbors First Families team recently gathered for an emotionally charged holiday celebration, marking another year of unwavering dedication to supporting vulnerable and homeless families in Washington, D.C. Under the leadership of Althea Batticks, Division Director of the program, the event served as a moment to express heartfelt thanks to the team for their steadfast commitment to helping program participants by ensuring access and stability in housing.
During the meeting, Unique Lovett, Case Manager Supervisor, delivered moving remarks that highlighted the tireless efforts made by the Case Managers throughout the year. She acknowledged the exhaustive work done to meet the individual needs of each member of these very vulnerable families, who are at constant risk of becoming homeless.
The festive atmosphere was complemented by a luncheon and seasonal tunes, highlighting the significant growth Neighbors First Families experienced in 2023. Friendship Place’s program has expanded its support, reaching an increasing number of families. In addition to securing fair and stable housing, these families receive assistance in achieving their financial, educational, employment, medical and welfare benefit goals.

In recognition of their unwavering dedication and commitment to vulnerable families in the District of Columbia, the case managers received tokens of appreciation for their tireless efforts.
This meeting served as a poignant moment for reflection and celebration, emphasizing the positive impact and continued progress in assisting those most in need. It is a testament to Friendship Place – Neighbors First Families’ enduring commitment to providing strong support to vulnerable communities throughout the region.
Alicia La Rotta
Bilingual Case Manager
Friendship Place