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Job hunting in difficult times


We know that these are uncertain times, and that many of our friends in the Friendship Place family are nervous about their jobs.  

We asked Martena Williams, Assistant Director of AimHire, our employment program, what are some of the top tips you should know when you’re looking for a new job. Here’s what she had to say: 

Engaging the job market can be a pleasantly interesting and educational endeavor.  Learning about the multitude of companies and industries actively recruiting for and seeking out your skills can bring you a sense of empowerment and validation.  To be most successful, follow the tips below: 

How to Read a Job Posting 

While browsing job postings, make a list of action verbs, soft skills, and hard skills. Analyze the way the company has prioritized these skills; then consider how you have prioritized them on your resume. Sometimes, a simple re-ordering content in your summary is all that’s needed to match the job description.  

Revise your resume to include the verbs in the job posting.  This shows recruiters and hiring managers you are an excellent fit, as well as those candidate-screening AI algorithms.   

Your Resume – The Basics 

Don’t just recite your job history, instead, base your resume on the specific accomplishments, skills, and experience you bring to the table relevant to the job posting. It is better to quantify your accomplishments, such as percentages, numbers, and statistics, to demonstrate your track record of success. 

Recruiters – How to Speak So They Will Listen 

Corporate recruiters review a resume for an average of 7.5 seconds before deciding whether to move on to the next one or thoroughly examine the content.   

By including a summary and/or top accomplishments section at the beginning of your resume that correlates to the requirements in the job description, you will spark their desire to continue reading and learn more about you. 

In your resume, use the keywords and skills cited in the job description and requirements. Take time to research the priorities and language that are relevant to the industry and familiar to the reader. 

Avoid jargon tied to your prior jobs, since not everyone will understand it.  

Your Resume Can Be More Than Just Your Prior Jobs 

Consider adding an ‘Additional Experience’ section highlighting volunteering, community work, certifications, boards, licenses, consulting or freelance. Past successes in an ‘Additional Experience’ section gives you an advantage over other candidates and reads, “I did it before and I could do it again” If you developed soft or hard skills volunteering, don’t disregard them.  List them as you would paid experience, including bullet points highlighting your accomplishments.  

Above all, keep your hopes up – remember that you have skills that others have hired you for in the past, and which someone will hire you for again! 

Friendship Place Webinar

How to Find a Job in Difficult Times

Join us on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 | 12PM

This session will be led by Richard McKey, Director of our AimHire Employment Program, andAssistant Director Martena Williams. They’ll share strategies for navigating job listings, tailoring your resume, and other valuable tips to improve your job search.

We hope you’ll join us for this informative hour. Click here to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/BFlrCZFNQ4-9lZwndndiCw

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Your support for Friendship Place has a lasting impact. In 2023, our programs ended or prevented homelessness for 4,993 people, including 1,507 children in families and 670 veterans. We empowered 167 people experiencing or at risk of homelessness to get jobs through innovative, state-of-the-art job placement services. Make a donation today in support of our work to end homelessness. Questions? Please feel free to call our fundraising office, 202.957.7834.

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