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Transforming Lives Through Technology

At Friendship Place, we’re constantly amazed by the generosity of our community and partners. Today, we’re sharing a story of support that’s making a real difference in our community.

Bobby Lipman and the incredible team at Phoenix Computers have made several generous donations of laptops to our organization. This act of kindness provides not only technology, but opportunity and empowerment as well!

The Power of a Laptop

In today’s digital world, access to technology is not just a convenience, it’s a necessity. These laptops are opening doors and creating possibilities for our participants in many different ways.

Here are some of the ways our participants are using their new laptops to improve their lives:

  • Job Searches and Employment: For many, like Earl, these laptops are a crucial tool in finding employment. “This laptop will help me apply to jobs without having to navigate applications on my phone,” Earl shares. The ability to easily search for jobs, create resumes, and submit applications online is invaluable.
  • Education: John Matthews, a full-time college student pursuing an associate’s degree in IT, expresses how the laptop will transform his educational experience. “This laptop and especially the webcam will help me to be able to finish my studies and jump-start my care,” he says. No longer confined to using a shared computer, John can now fully engage in his online classes.
  • Housing Searches: Ikeuri, another program participant, highlights how the laptop will aid in his housing search: “The laptop will help me continue my housing search and will make things a lot easier for me.”
  • Healthcare Access: For veterans like Yusuf, these laptops provide a lifeline to essential services. “This laptop allows me to use Zoom to meet with my VA doctors,” he explains. This access to telehealth services can be crucial for ongoing care and support.
  • Entrepreneurship: Derrick, a barber, sees the laptop as a tool to grow his business. “I can now advertise my barber business online,” he says, opening up new avenues for client outreach and business management.

Beyond specific tasks, these laptops offer our participants a sense of independence and capability. 

Words of Gratitude

The impact of this donation is best expressed through the words of our participants:

“I really needed this. Thank you so much.” – Ikeuri

“Thank you for the laptop! I’ve never had my own computer and have always had to go to a friend’s house to use theirs.” – Derrick

Thank you for the laptop, I’m starting to get back on my feet again and this laptop allows me to use zoom to meet with my VA doctors” – Yusuf

“Thank you, Bobby Lipman and the amazing team at Phoenix Computers!” – Friendship Place Team

This generous donation goes beyond the physical devices. It’s creating a ripple effect of positive change in our community. Each laptop represents:

  • A student able to complete their education
  • A job seeker finding new employment opportunities
  • An entrepreneur growing their business
  • A veteran accessing crucial healthcare services
  • An individual taking steps towards stable housing

We at Friendship Place are deeply grateful for this support. It aligns with our mission to empower individuals on their journey to independence and stability.

To Bobby Lipman, Phoenix Computers, and all our supporters: Your generosity is making a difference. Thank you for being a vital part of our community and for believing in the potential of every individual we serve here at Friendship Place!

Your Donation Helps End Homelessness!

Your support for Friendship Place has a lasting impact. In 2023, our programs ended or prevented homelessness for 4,993 people, including 1,507 children in families and 670 veterans. We empowered 167 people experiencing or at risk of homelessness to get jobs through innovative, state-of-the-art job placement services. Make a donation today in support of our work to end homelessness. Questions? Please feel free to call our fundraising office, 202.957.7834.

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